In addition to weekly national calls on COVID-19, homelessness, and housing, NLIHC is providing new opportunities for local, state, and national organizations to dive deeper into the critical issues…
More than 2,000 organizers, advocates, reporters, and legislative staff attended the weekly “Coronavirus, Housing, and Homelessness” national call hosted by NLIHC and our Disaster Recovery Housing…
The sponsors of Giving Tuesday, a national day of giving usually held on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, are conducting a special #GivingTuesdayNow on Tuesday May 5 to help nonprofits impacted by and…
Please note that NLIHC will be hosting weekly national calls on COVID-19 and housing/homelessness every Monday afternoon. The next call is this coming Monday, May 4 at 2:30 to 4 pm ET. …
The Opportunity Starts at Home multi-sector affordable homes campaign issued a press statement on April 27 urging Congress to address housing and homelessness in the next COVID-19 relief package. The…
Senators Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden and 27 other original cosponsors have introduced the “Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act (NDEBA)” of 2020. The legislation would help voters exercise their…
Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020, NLIHC’s non-partisan project on candidate and voter engagement, recently revised its website to feature new state-specific pages that let advocates explore key voting…
As the 2020 elections approach, learn about how advocates can advance housing issues and ballot initiatives during a NLIHC webinar on May 21 at 3 pm ET. Register for this webinar and NLIHC’s entire…
National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) FY20 allocations were officially published in the Federal Register on April 29, including specific information for each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico…
An article published in Housing Policy Debate, “Overriding Exclusion: Compliance with Subsidized Housing Incentives in the Massachusetts 40B Program,” reports that a Massachusetts policy of allowing…
In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed an eviction and foreclosure moratorium bill (H.4647) on April 20 creating some of the strongest…