On January 6, Alaska Governor Bill Walker (I) convened advocates, state officials, and housing developers to explore solutions to the state’s worsening housing affordability and safety challenges.…
A report by Alan Berube and Natalie Holmes of the Brookings Institution, City and Metropolitan Inequality on the Rise, Driven by Declining Incomes, shows that income inequality in the United States…
A new literature review by Lisa Sturtevant and Janet Viveiros of the National Housing Conference (NHC), How Investing in Housing Can Save on Health Care, examines the current state of research on the…
On January 21, the U.S. Census Bureau released the five-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) file for the 2010-2014 American Community Survey (ACS). The Census Bureau makes PUMS files…
Michael Chapman joins NLIHC as a spring policy intern. Originally from Mililani, Hawaii, Michael is currently studying Government at Georgetown University. Michael’s interest in housing policy arose…
The February 5 nomination deadline for NLIHC’s Annual Organizing Award is quickly approaching. Please nominate an outstanding local or statewide organizing effort. The 2016 Organizing Award…
President Barack Obama did not mention housing in his State of the Union address on January 12, but Office of Management and Budget Director Shaun Donovan later provided a preview of some items that…
In addition to numerous other materials on the new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule that HUD released on December 31 (see Memo, 1/8), a greatly expanded set of Frequently Asked…
NLIHC kicks off its 2016 Voterization campaign with a series of webinars to train advocates and service providers on how to carry out effective voter engagement efforts. Strong participation by low…
During his annual State of the State address on January 13, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) announced a new commitment to build or rehabilitate 20,000 supportive housing units statewide over the…
A study recently published in Cityscape explores how households in the Moving to Opportunity (MTO) demonstration fared after leaving housing assistance. The authors of the article titled “What…