Advocacy & Action

NLIHC Federal Advocacy

ERASE icons

NLIHC is utilizing the information and experiences we are collecting from our research and our work with state and local partners to advocate for program improvements and tenant protections that would support successful implementation and sustainability of emergency rental assistance.   

ERASE Cohort Letter to Biden Administration on ERA Data Transparency

ERASEWe, the undersigned housing advocacy organizations participating in the National Low Income Housing Coalition's ERASE (End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions) Cohort, write to urge the Biden administration and the U.S. Department of the Treasury to make publicly available disaggregated demographic data for all state and local Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) programs. The disproportionate economic effects of the pandemic have widened existing racial inequities, and Treasury’s ERA program is a critical tool to mitigate some of these effects. Demographic data would promote a better understanding of who is being served by ERA, which is critical to identifying areas for course corrections and planning for future efforts to assist households once all ERA is disbursed.

 Click Here to View the Interactive PDF of the Report.

Letter to Treasury on ERA2 Recapture and Reallocation

Data TransparencyOn behalf of the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and our End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) cohort and Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC), I write to urge the U.S. Department of the Treasury to begin the process of recapturing and reallocating funds appropriated under the “American Rescue Plan Act” (ERA2) starting on March 31, 2022, as directed by the statute.

 Click Here to View the Interactive PDF of the Report.

Letter to Treasury on ERA Recapture and Reallocation

Data TransparencyOn behalf of the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), the NLIHC End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) cohort, and the NLIHC-led Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC), I write to express deep concern that an inequitable initial allocation formula, the slow redistribution of funds, and delays in the disbursement of obligated funds are creating critical gaps in the emergency rental assistance (ERA) program that must be immediately addressed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. I urge Treasury to accelerate the ERA recapture and reallocation process to enable states and communities to address urgent rental arrears and keep low-income renters stably housed amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

 Click Here to View the Interactive PDF of the Report.

Letter to Treasury on Data Transparency

Data TransparencyOn behalf of the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), the NLIHC End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) cohort, and the NLIHC-led Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC), I write to urge the U.S. Department of the Treasury to release demographic and other key applicant data for each grantee distributing emergency rental assistance (ERA) and to encourage local data-sharing between ERA program administrators and advocates.

 Click Here to View the Interactive PDF of the Report.

State Advocacy

Everyone Can Help Ensure that Emergency Rental Assistance Gets to Households in Need

  • Governors and Mayors.  Adopt the state and local policies that support emergency rental assistance distribution and tenant protections provided in the ERASE Checklists.
  • Program Administrators. Ensure that your ERA program is accessible, streamlined, and low barrier.  Use Treasury Guidance and avoid layering on additional requirements.
  • State and Local Courts. Utilize ERA to support eviction prevention and diversion efforts.  Communicate with your ERA administrator.
  • State and Local Coalitions. Encourage your state and local administrators to implement program flexibilities and best practices into your local ERA programs.  Send letters and written guidance, convene stakeholders, including tenants and other state and local coalitions to add their voice to the effort. Track and monitor program and eviction data.
  • Tenants and Low-Income Renters. If you have received ERA, share your experience. Assist neighbors and friends who might be in need.

What's happening in the field

The Right to Counsel for Tenants- A Growing Movement

The National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel (NCCRC) recently recognized the achievements and leaders of the eviction right to counsel movement. At the January 2022 event, NCCRC premiered a 3-minute video that reflects on right to counsel victories and encourages other leaders to join the movement. For more information on the national right to counsel movement, visit

For more information, contact Sarah Gallagher, ERASE Senior Project Director, at [email protected].