Resource Hub

The ERA Resource Hub offers examples of how programs are incorporating self-attestation, direct-to-tenant payments, prioritization, and other elements of design and implementation to enhance equity and efficiency within their ERA programs. While this hub offers customizable examples and ideas, ERA grantees and partners will have the best knowledge of which examples will fit their needs. We will continually update the ERA Resource Hub with new resources. If you have general feedback on the Resource Hub or have resources you would like to share, please let us know at [email protected]

Data for the Resource Hub was collected from state and local partners and from program webpages. If you are interested in more opportunities to share lessons learned and best practices related to housing needs amid COVID-19, please join NLIHC’s State and Local Implementation Working Group, held weekly on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM ET.

If you are a renter or landlord looking for assistance with rent or utilities, use NLIHC’s searchable database to find a Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program near you.

The Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program includes an unprecedented amount of funding for emergency rental assistance to help renters stay stably housed. The December 2020 COVID-19 relief package included $25 billion in urgently needed emergency rental assistance for tenants with low incomes and established the Emergency Rental Assistance program (ERA) under the administration of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The “American Rescue Plan Act,” enacted in March 2021, provided an additional $21.55 billion for ERA for a grand total of $46.55 billion in emergency rental assistance. States (including the District of Columbia), territories, tribal governments or tribally designated housing entities, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, and local governments with more than 200,000 residents may be administering local programs as part of the federal Treasury ERA program.

Emergency Rental Assistance Checklists

Resource Hub

NLIHC has developed a series of checklists so that stakeholders can quickly assess whether their programs are visible, accessible, and preventive. Use the checklists to evaluate your program and then access the resources below to help integrate key elements into programs near you.

Access the Emergency Rental Assistance Checklists here!

For more information, contact Sarah Gallagher, ERASE Senior Project Director, at [email protected].