House Conservatives Call Spending Caps Too High

Despite promises and pleas for “regular order” in the annual budget process by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), House Republicans’ most conservative wing, the House Freedom Caucus, is…

TAKE ACTION: Sign Letter to Support Housing Funding!

Help Ensure THUD Appropriations Subcommittees Have Highest Possible Funding for Housing Programs in FY17! Groups concerned about transportation, housing, community development, and homelessness are…

FY17 Request Goes Bold to End Family Homelessness

President Barack Obama’s FY17 budget request seeks a long-overdue, significant investment in federal efforts to end homelessness for all families by 2020. For FY17, HUD is asking Congress to provide…

CORRECTION: Webcast of HUD’s FY17 Budget Request

CORRECTION: The webcast of HUD’s FY17 budget request will be tomorrow, Wednesday, February 10 (not today as we reported in this week’s Memo to Members). To join the 1 – 2pm ET webcast, go to http://…

UPDATE! House Considers Amendments to H.R. 3700 Today

Contact Your Representative to Urge Passage of H.R. 3700 and Important Amendments The House of Representatives will begin consideration of H.R. 3700, the Housing Opportunities Through Modernization…