Advocates Oppose Balanced Budget Amendment

NLIHC joined 268 national organizations in sending a letter to Congress opposing a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  The letter states, “A balanced budget constitutional…

Cuts to THUD Funding Proposed in the Senate

Despite not having a budget resolution setting a topline spending amount for FY17, the Senate Appropriations Committee has moved ahead and released funding allocations for each of the 12…

Federal Budget Still Up in the Air

The House is at a stalemate in advancing its proposed budget resolution that was approved by the Budget Committee last month on a party line vote. The budget resolution faces opposition on both sides…

House and Senate to Unveil FY17 Spending Allocations

The House and Senate Appropriations Committees will release and vote on FY17 subcommittee spending amounts, formally known as 302(b) allocations, on April 13 and 14, respectively. Subcommittees began…