The House Committee on Financial Services will hold a mark-up of its “Views and Estimates” on the budget for FY17 on February 2. Early each calendar year, each Committee submits a Views and…
A new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) analyzes how the Senate and House Committees on Appropriations allocated the $33 billion in funds for nondefense discretionary (NDD…
“In 2016, the federal budget deficit will increase, in relation to the size of the economy, for the first time since 2009,” the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated in a summary of a semi-annual…
President Barack Obama did not mention housing in his State of the Union address on January 12, but Office of Management and Budget Director Shaun Donovan later provided a preview of some items that…
The Congressional Budget Office has released a set of infographics on FY15 spending and revenues and revenue and spending trends since FY95. The graphics show breakouts of the $3.7 trillion in…
Both the House and then the Senate are expected to vote on the omnibus spending bill on Friday, December 18. If Congress fails to pass the omnibus spending bill, they will need to pass a long-term…
Congressional leaders released the text of the omnibus spending bill at about 1:30 am on December 16. The omnibus bill funds all 12 appropriations bills, including the Transportation, Housing and…
Bill Contains Severe Cuts to Essential Housing Programs
On June 9, the House of Representatives narrowly passed H.R. 2577, their FY16 appropriations bill for Transportation, Housing and…
On May 5, the Senate voted 51-48 to approve the Concurrent Budget Resolution (S. Con. Res. 11) on the FY16 Budget. The vote was on straight party lines, with no Democrat voting yes. The…
In the eight months since sequestration was implemented, media outlets have reported on how sequestration has effected low income households. NLIHC collected and analyzed 314 articles published…
On November 17, Congress passed H.R. 2112, the minibus appropriations bill that includes three spending bills: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD), S. 1596; Agriculture, Rural…
Deficit negotiations between President Barack Obama, Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
continued through Sunday, July 10. As of July 10, no…