The Gap

The U.S. has a shortage of 7.1 million rental homes affordable and available to renters with extremely low incomes. Only 35 affordable and available rental homes exist for every 100 extremely low-income renter households. Extremely low-income renters face a shortage in every state and major metropolitan area.


Housing Needs by State


Top Policy Priorities

The National Low Income Housing Coalition supports all policy initiatives that advance our mission and goals. We focus our resources proactively on our core policy objectives, while monitoring the policy environment and responding to emerging issues as needed.

  1. Protect and Expand the National Housing Trust Fund

The national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a federal housing resource exclusively targeted to help build, preserve, rehabilitate, and operate housing affordable to people with the lowest incomes.

  1. Preserve and Increase Resources for Federal Affordable Housing Programs

We monitor the federal budget process and advocate for the highest possible appropriations for HUD and USDA housing programs.

  1. Ensure Federal Disaster Recovery Efforts are Fair and Equitable

One of the top priorities after a disaster is making sure that all displaced families have a safe, accessible, and affordable place to live while they get back on their feet.

  1. Promote Equitable Access to Affordable Housing

NLIHC believes in just communities, where all community members have access to economic and educational opportunities, as well as affordable housing.

  1. Champion Anti-Poverty Solutions

Beyond ensuring access to affordable housing, NLIHC is strongly committed to enacting legislation and protecting resources that alleviate poverty.

  1. Explore All Issues

NLIHC supports all policy initiatives that advance our mission and goals. We invite you to explore the various policy issues we work on.


Top News


Thank you and Farewell!

After nearly nine years as President and CEO and a total of twelve years at the organization, today is my last day at NLIHC. Since announcing my departure three…

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